Portraits of leadership

Posted on : 2010-05-18 12:27 KST Modified on : 2019-10-19 20:29 KST

President Lee Myung-bak shakes hands with Chun Doo-whan, president during South Korea’s military dictatorship, who says “Have you decided not to attend the May 18 Democracy Movement commemoration ceremony for protestors in Gwangju? Those people were really out of control rioters, weren’t they?” President Lee and President Chun smile in front of the May 18th National Cemetery in which victims of the brutal suppression that took place during May of 1980 are buried.

Above late President Chun, a sign pictures him as a soldier who was deployed to Gwangju and suppressed protesters at that time and says, “This type of person is ... an elder who is to be admired.” Above President Lee, a sign pictures him as a riot police officer repressing a candlelight vigil demonstration and says, “This type of person is ... a church leader.”

The phrases “respected elder” and “leader of a church” point to the absurdity of both individuals as one to be admired and one who talks of adhering to Christian values while supporting and ordering violent acts against civilians.

Chun was found guilty of the bloody suppression against innocent civilians that took place on May 18 in 1980.

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