NHRCK asks police to stop crackdown at Ssangyong Motors plant

Posted on : 2009-08-06 12:04 KST Modified on : 2019-10-19 20:29 KST
The organization is monitoring the human rights situation and concludes several auto workers’ human rights are being violated
 August 5.
August 5.

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) issued a public statement urging the Gyeonggi Police Agency to demonstrate restraint and to stop the forceful crackdown against auto workers who are engaged in a factory occupation at the Ssangyong Motors plant on Wednesday.

The NHRCK said, “We have come to the conclusion that there is a high possibility of damage being committed against the human rights of workers who are engaged in a factory occupation at Ssangyong if the police continue to forcefully crack down against them.” The NHRCK added, “In addition to having the water supply and electricity shut-off and because there are many inflammables in the paint shop where the union members have staged their strike, we are concerned about the likelihood of a repeat of what we saw with Yongsan.”

The NHRCK also said, “All of the weapons being used by the police are dangerous, including the water cannon, tear gas canisters, forklift trucks, taser guns, multipurpose riot guns, as are the Molotov cocktails the union members are using in response.”

The NHRCK continued on to say, “A forceful crackdown violates laws that govern the police’s duty to protect the safety of citizens.”

The NHRCK sent 6 inspectors to monitor the situation at Ssangyong Motors, following a request for their presence by some union members’ families to stop the police crackdown on August 4. The NHRCK has the power to recommend measures to relevant organizations when irreversible tragedy is expected.

Please direct questions or comments to [englishhani@hani.co.kr]

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