Hope Tents for reinstatement of laid off Ssangyong workers

Posted on : 2011-12-24 11:14 KST Modified on : 2019-10-19 20:29 KST
Unionists plan to continue with festivals like Hope Bus for Hanjin laidoffs

By Kim Gi-seong, Gyeonggi Correspondent

"Hope Tents" went up Friday in front of Ssangyong Motor's factory in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi, as workers joined civic, social, and religious group members and students in a two-day, one-night rally and candlelight cultural festival to call for the reinstatement of workers laid off by the automaker.
Dubbed "the first Hope Tent siege day," the event kicked off with a rally at 4 pm on Friday, followed by "Rumbling Christmas," a candlelit cultural festival beginning at 7 pm in front of the factory and featuring musical performances and free speeches to call for a resolution to the layoff issue. Participants plan to stay overnight in the tents and continue the festival until noon Saturday.
Estimating an attendance of around 300, police positioned around 1,000 officers in nine squadrons around the site. In order to avoid a possible clash, they made plans to avoid taking down the tents, which were designated "illegal installations" in violation of the Road Act.
The Korean Metal Workers' Union said it planned the event "to call for a resolution of the Ssangyong issue through solidarity from civil society."
Plans are under way to organize second and third Hope Tent siege day events in January and February, the union added.
On December 7, dismissed Ssangyong workers and KMWU workers held a rally in front of the Pyeongtaek factory and set up seven camping tents and two shared tents, which they dubbed "Hope Tents." The tents were forcibly dismantled the next day by the city, with the assistance of police. Workers subsequently put up five camping tents and one shared tent, where they have since been carrying out a protest.

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