Main parties set to face off over free trade agreement

Posted on : 2012-02-18 09:42 KST Modified on : 2019-10-19 20:29 KST
Park Geun-hye hones in on KORUS FTA as rallying cause

By Song Chae Kyung-hwa and Kim Oi-hyun

A clash is brewing between the Saenuri Party and opposition parties over the South Korea-United States Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA). The battle will take place against the backdrop of April’s general election.

Analysts said move is based on the intentions of Saenuri Party emergency measures committee chairwoman Park Geun-hye to smother a potential "trial of the administration" in the upcoming election.
 Park is believed to be using the KORUS FTA to steer the conversation away from the administration’s low popularity and weak performance in office.

During a meeting of major Saenuri Party officials at the National Assembly on Friday morning, a YouTube video was shown in which opposition figures such as Democratic Unity Party (DUP) chairwoman Han Myeong-sook and lawmakers Chung Dong-young and Sohn Hak-kyu, as well as Unified Progressive Party chairman Rhyu Si-min, are mocked for changing their position on the KORUS FTA.

During the meeting, policy committee chairman Lee Ju-young said, "The New Frontier Party's firm position on the DUP’s anti-KORUS FTA strategy is one of, 'That's right, come at us if you want to. Hit us with your best shot.'"

Lee also said, "The DUP is changing from their past words and telling lies. They might find themselves with Pinocchio noses before long."

Floor leader Hwang Woo-yea said Han Myeong-sook had previously described rallies against the KORUS FTA as illegal and directed the suspension of support to civic groups opposed to it. "You can't help asking if her goal is to get the FTA dropped or get back into power," Hwang said.

Observers said the Saenuri Party's strategy likely reflects the desires of Park Geun-hye. The onslaught began in earnest on Feb. 13, when Park declared at a national Saenuri Party meeting that, "we cannot leave this country to people who are calling for the abandonment of the KORUS FTA."

While some analysts said making the FTA an issue might not work in the Saenuri Party's favor in the general election, the process appears to be going according to Park's wishes.

A key Saenuri Party official said the atmosphere in the emergency measures committee over the KORUS FTA was one of "We're all tired now, so let's move on."

At the same time, the official asked, "Do they really have any choice about going along with Park Geun-hye?" 
A lawmaker from the National Assembly's Park wing said, "I think she's developing an election strategy that involves rallying conservatives with the FTA and preventing the election from turning into a trial of the administration."

Regarding the Saenuri Party offensive, DUP spokesman Shin Kyung-min said the party "has simply been repeating the same things the past few days."

"We don't sense any need for a response when they aren't saying anything new," Shin added.

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