Catholic’s first special mass of 2014 against Pres. Park

Posted on : 2014-01-07 14:47 KST Modified on : 2019-10-19 20:29 KST

Members of Catholic Priests Association for Justice from across Gyeonggi Province hold the first special mass of 2014 calling for President Park Geun-hye to resign and former President Lee Myung-bak to be held accountable for his deeds as president, in Suwon, Jan. 6. Around 300 people participated in the mass calling for those responsible for interference in the 2012 presidential election to be punished and for President Park to repent for her damage to South Korean democracy. In front of the cathedral, members of a conservative Catholic civic group attempted to disrupt the mass and threatened the participants. (by Kim Tae-hyeong, staff photographer)

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