[Photo] Jeju grants refugee status to 2 former journalists out of 85 Yemeni asylum applicants

Posted on : 2018-12-14 16:30 KST Modified on : 2019-10-19 20:29 KST

The Jeju Immigration Office has granted refugee status to two out of 85 Yemeni asylum applicants. An additional 50 applicants were granted humanitarian sojourn status while 22 were denied. The two applicants who were granted refugee status were former journalists who had expressed critical viewpoints of the Houthi rebellion that has since escalated into the full-scale civil war that has driven so many Yemenis from their home. Since they had been kidnapped and/or threatened by Houthi fighters before, Jeju immigration authorities determined it was physically dangerous for them to return home. The photo shows Yemeni asylum applicants lined up at the Jeju Immigration Office.

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