ROK Navy releases CG video of light aircraft carrier for 76th anniversary of its founding

Posted on : 2021-11-10 16:58 KST Modified on : 2021-11-10 16:58 KST
The Ministry of National Defense wants to build a 30,000-ton light aircraft carrier through domestic research and development by 2033
Still from computer graphic video released Monday by the Republic of Korea Navy
Still from computer graphic video released Monday by the Republic of Korea Navy

The Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) released a computer graphic video Monday showing the simulated operations and movements of an aircraft carrier battle group consisting of a light aircraft carrier, Aegis destroyer, and medium-sized submarines.

The Ministry of National Defense (MND) previously announced its vision for designing and building a 30,000-ton light aircraft carrier through domestic research and development by 2033.

Lasting for six minutes, the video shows the takeoff and landing of vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) fighter aircraft after the carrier sets sail, as well as fighter strikes against land-based targets and scenes of the battle group on the move.

Still from computer graphic video released Monday by the Republic of Korea Navy
Still from computer graphic video released Monday by the Republic of Korea Navy

Rather than traveling alone, aircraft carriers are accompanied by destroyers, submarines, and maritime patrol aircraft in battle groups, giving them strike, defense, and surveillance capabilities.

In addition to the Aegis destroyer, new combat support ships, and medium-sized submarines, which the ROKN already possesses, and the next-generation destroyer that it plans to introduce, the video also features the Air Force’s E-737 airborne early warning and control aircraft and VTOL fighter aircraft.

The ROKN explained that it “produced the video to help the public understand about and enlist support for the light aircraft carrier that represents the future of our joint forces.” The video was made available for viewing on YouTube and the ROKN website.

Still from computer graphic video released Monday by the Republic of Korea Navy
Still from computer graphic video released Monday by the Republic of Korea Navy

The ROKN is attempting to acquire a light aircraft carrier as a means of increasing deterrence against North Korea and protecting maritime transportation routes. The MND has earmarked 7.2 billion won (US$6 million) from next year’s national defense budget to begin work on the light carrier aircraft project.

But the idea has been met with criticisms in and around the military, with many contending that the military security benefits of a carrier battle group would not be enough to warrant the enormous cost, and that the carrier itself would be vulnerable to torpedoes and hypersonic missiles fired by hostile forces.

The ROKN plans to hold events in Seoul and Jinhae, South Gyeongsang Province, from Nov. 11 to 14 to commemorate the anniversary of its foundation.

By Kwon Hyuk-chul, staff reporter

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