Yoon rejects calls for special counsel probes into Marine’s death, first lady in long-awaited presser

Posted on : 2024-05-10 17:25 KST Modified on : 2024-05-10 17:25 KST
While the president offered his first apology for his wife’s acceptance of a Dior handbag, he maintained his
President Yoon Suk-yeol takes questions from reporters at a press conference on May 9, 2024, to mark the second anniversary of his inauguration. After a speech that lasted around 22 minutes, Yoon opened up for questions. The president’s last press conference took place in August 2022, to mark his first 100 days in office. (pool photo)
President Yoon Suk-yeol takes questions from reporters at a press conference on May 9, 2024, to mark the second anniversary of his inauguration. After a speech that lasted around 22 minutes, Yoon opened up for questions. The president’s last press conference took place in August 2022, to mark his first 100 days in office. (pool photo)

In a press conference to mark the second anniversary of his inauguration, President Yoon Suk-yeol hinted that he means to veto the appointment of a special prosecutor to look into alleged meddling in an investigation into the death of a Marine during a flood rescue operation last year.

Yoon also made his first apology for his wife Kim Keon-hee’s acceptance of a designer handbag but rejected the opposition party’s calls to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the scandal as a “political attack.” The opposition sharply criticized Yoon for “wasting an opportunity to submit to the public will and make changes.”

The press conference, which served as a retrospective on the first two years of the Yoon administration, was held at the presidential office on Thursday morning.

In regard to the death of a Marine corporal surnamed Chae in the line of duty last July, Yoon said, “As the commander in chief, it is tragic and truly heartbreaking that such a promising young Marine died in the course serving the public.”

“But considering that investigations and legal procedures are currently underway,” he said, referring to those by the police and the Corruption Investigation Office for High-ranking Officials, “I think we ought to give some credit to the investigators,” indicating that he will veto the special prosecutor bill on the case that the main opposition Democratic Party shepherded through the National Assembly on May 2.

“If the people aren’t convinced and feel that the allegations of special treatment remain unanswered after seeing [the results of those investigations], I’ll be the first to call for a special prosecutor,” the president added.

President Yoon Suk-yeol takes questions from reporters at a press conference on May 9, 2024, to mark the second anniversary of his inauguration. (Yonhap)
President Yoon Suk-yeol takes questions from reporters at a press conference on May 9, 2024, to mark the second anniversary of his inauguration. (Yonhap)

In regard to first lady Kim Keon-hee’s allegedly illegal acceptance of a designer bag, Yoon said, “I apologize for troubling the people with my wife’s unwise behavior.” That represented his first apology for the scandal.

In regard to the related investigation recently undertaken by the prosecutors, Yoon said, “I think they’ll be fair and strict.”

But Yoon dismissed the opposition’s call for a special prosecutor to investigate allegations that Kim manipulated stock prices at Deutsch Motors, which he characterized as “a political attack and political maneuvering that’s not designed to get at the truth.”

“The idea of naming special prosecutors to investigate the Deutsch Motors issue or other issues reminds me of how the previous administration had the prosecutors’ special investigations unit spend about two and a half years digging up dirt on me. I can’t help asking whether I should assume that the previous administration mishandled those investigations or went easy on me and my family. The whole thing is contradictory,” he said.

On Thursday, Yoon also unveiled a plan to set up a ministry to tackle Korea’s historically low birth rate. The minister, who will double as the deputy prime minister of social affairs, will oversee the government’s educational, labor and welfare policies.

As for a Cabinet reshuffle, which will include a new prime minister, Yoon said, “I don’t intend to rush things. I will find people capable of serving the public well and appoint them.”

The last time Yoon held a press conference was 631 days ago, on Aug. 17, 2022. He was marking his 100th day in office at the time.

The latest press conference followed up on his commitment to communicate better and pay more attention to the public’s wishes following the ruling party’s crushing defeat in general elections on April 10.

But Park Chan-dae, the floor leader of the Democratic Party, slammed Yoon’s press conference, which he said was “disappointing” and “completely failed to meet public expectations.”

“I could find no evidence that the president has reflected on the outcome of the general elections. He’s still convinced that he’s done a good job, but just hasn’t communicated that effectively. He basically wrote the answer wrong and is insisting that it’s right,” Park added.

“From start to finish, the press conference was about ducking responsibility,” said Kim Su-yeong, senior spokesperson for the Justice Party.

“The people voted to punish Yoon’s party not because they failed to perceive his efforts, but because they perceived his backward behavior all too well,” Kim added.

By Jang Na-rye, staff reporter; Shin Min-jung, staff reporter; Lee Woo-yun, staff reporter

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