Nuclear energy foundation criticized for suspending public opinion polls

Posted on : 2011-10-19 11:29 KST Modified on : 2019-10-19 20:29 KST
Observers say KNEF has suspended polling when public opinion is unfavorable

By Nam Jong-young 
The Korea Nuclear Energy Foundation (KNEF), whose major role is national promotion and advertisement of nuclear power, has been receiving harsh criticism for not having conducted any public opinion polls this year in contrast to the 12 polls last year. Observers say it is clear that the organization is conveying public opinion only when the public atmosphere is in favor of nuclear power, but dodging public opinion that is critical of nuclear energy.
The KNEF said Tuesday, “We could not conduct public-opinion polls this year since expenditures on hosting symposiums and issuing informational brochures in response to the Fukushima accident exceeded the budget. We plan to conduct surveys next year instead.”
However, observers say that KNEF is avoiding public surveys for fear of publicizing the negative image for nuclear power that Fukushima accident in March 2011 has triggered. In fact, according to a public opinion poll conducted by Busan chapter of the Korea Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM), only 7.4% of 1,000 respondents supported the government’s plan to spur the development of nuclear power while 60.9% did not. 
Even when reflecting on the steps that KNEF has taken in the past, their explanations have failed to sway observers. Last year, when the finalized contract for exporting nuclear power plant to United Arab Emirates (UAE) boosted the public support for nuclear power, KNEF actively conducted 12 public opinion polls from February to December. They spent 45 million won ($39,379) on one survey throuth one-on-one interviews and 8 million won on each 11 phone surveys. It is drastically different from their old practice of conducting surveys only once a quarter. Based on the results of the numerous public opinion polls conducted last year, KNEF advertised that the majority (88%) of the citizens support nuclear power.
Lee Hun-seok, head of Energy Justice Actions, said, “It appears that they have failed to conduct any public opinion polls for fear of publicizing the anti-nuclear atmosphere. They only provide polls and information in favor of nuclear power. How can anyone trust such biased information?”
(Translated by Kim Min-ji, Intern) 
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