[Photo] More Sewol paintings by Hong Sung-dam

Posted on : 2017-01-15 13:21 KST Modified on : 2019-10-19 20:29 KST
“Hon” (spirit)
“Hon” (spirit)

Paintings by artist Hong Sung-dam calling for a thorough investigation into the Sewol ferry sinking are being exhibited from Jan. 13 to Feb. 8 in Busan as part of the Sewol Sinking 1,000 Memory Project, at Daecheong Gallery at the Catholic Center in central Busan.

 a painting by artist Hong Sung-dam depicting President Park Geun-hye on a throne above the sinking Sewol ferry. (provided by Busan Catholic Center)
a painting by artist Hong Sung-dam depicting President Park Geun-hye on a throne above the sinking Sewol ferry. (provided by Busan Catholic Center)
“10:40 am Text Message Air Pocket”
“10:40 am Text Message Air Pocket”
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