Lawmaker calls Seoul’s mandatory COVID-19 testing of foreign workers “racist”

Posted on : 2021-03-19 16:41 KST Modified on : 2021-03-19 16:41 KST
The Democratic Party lawmaker thinks the measure is a violation of human rights
The city of Seoul issued an order Wednesday requiring all “foreign workers” to get tested for COVID-19.
The city of Seoul issued an order Wednesday requiring all “foreign workers” to get tested for COVID-19.

After the city of Seoul issued an order Wednesday requiring all “foreign workers” to get tested for COVID-19, members of South Korea’s ruling Democratic Party have called for the order to be revoked, describing it as an “unfair act of racist discrimination against foreigners.”

“Foreign workers, including undocumented foreigners, and owners of businesses in Seoul who employ at least one foreign worker are required to be tested for COVID-19 by Mar. 31,” Seoul said in the order, which is designed to stop the spread of the disease.

Those who violate the order are subject to a fine of up to 2 million won (US$1,768) and can be held liable for expenses incurred from COVID-19 infections resulting from their failure to get tested.

Seoul added that undocumented foreigners can receive a free COVID-19 test without having to present their visa for verification and that any information they provide in the testing process will only be used for purposes of combating the disease.

After Seoul published the testing order, Democratic Party lawmaker Lee Sang-min criticized the order for amounting to “racial discrimination.”

“This is a ridiculous and unfair act of racial discrimination against foreigners. It’s a violation of human rights that could make us an international disgrace. I call for this backward act of discrimination to be immediately rescinded,” the lawmaker wrote on Facebook.

“This is why we need to pass an equal treatment law or an anti-discrimination law. I ask Seoul to rescind this order at once.”

By Seo Young-ji, staff reporter

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